People have often asked me to write about my life experiences.
Trying to figure out how, when, where, and why I should do this has taken me about 52 years to figure out.
This Blog is the beginning of the end results.
All life's experiences are learning experiences. A parent asks a child returning from school, "What did you learn today?". We can ask ourselves that same question after each experience we encounter in life. At times, the answer may be simple; at other times quite evasive affording no clarity at that time.
As time goes on, the simple answer may become part of a complex answer and the evasive answer may be clarified while bringing clarity to yet another answer.
By allowing ourselves to experience life, we allow that experience to become part of who we are at that moment in time and embellish who we are becoming in the future.
The "NOW" is where we exist. To be able to own our full potential in the NOW would make the NOW the only thing for us to experience.
The NOW encompasses everything and becomes an experience of the never ending aspect of the creator.
We can observe the NOW in creation.
A deep sleeping dog can be up and at attention at the sound of a potato chip bag opening anticipating a chip! The dog is right there at that moment in the NOW.
The sunflower turns it head to the bidding of the sun as it travels across the sky. This happens in the NOW without any attention to the was or the will be.
Focusing on NOW occurrences in creation, enables us to see that the NOW moments are truly experiences and encounters of the reflection of the creator in creation.
I am what I am, I am my creator's creation!
It is in the NOW that I accept and realize that indeed I am my creator's creation.
The NOW is all there is, everything else either was or will be and neither the past nor the future exist NOW.
I am asserting the NOW at the beginning of this Blog because ultimately the NOW is where my creator is guiding me to reside.
"If we encourage one person out of hundreds to change their life, we have done our job," said the manager of a Soup Kitchen for the homeless when asked, "Why do you put all this effort to get, prepare, and serve food to these indigents when they just don't appreciate it?"
"Why are you out here on the Las Vegas Strip raising money for the Foundation Faith of God? You are gonna die and go to Hell!", Brother Neriah was asked one evening. Brother Neriah answered with a question, "Why are you here my friend?" The reply was, "I am looking for a hooker". Brother Neriah asked, "Isn't that contrary to your Christian way of living?" "I have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Saviour and all my sins of the past, present, and future have been washed away!", replied the young man.
Brother Luke Saint Mark was filled with blame over something and begrudgingly went to return the rented car to the dealership. In a rage, he hopped into the car and quickly backed up running over what her thought were some palm branches in the driveway. The car was dropped off and he went about his day. When he returned home he discovered it was not a palm branches he had driven over. He had wiped out the passenger side of the rented car while damaging the driver's side of another vehicle. He ended the day determined to never let blame engulf him again--fortunately there was no major difficulties for future car rentals.
A young boy awoke from a nap to discover that his brand new birthday socks were gone. He asked his parents about the socks. Apparently his cousin had slipped in the creek and did not have any dry socks to wear so his parents let the cousin wear the socks. In a furry of a Bull Moose in a China Shop, the young boy screamed, hollered, and pouted for the remainder of the day. As he thought of this incident a few years later, he regretted his actions toward his cousins needs when he discovered that his cousin had kidney failure and died.
Brother Mark of the Trinity, a Discalced Carmelite Novice, revelled in the contemplative lifestyle but he could not come to terms with the concept that inside the monastery is where the good are and outside is where the bad are. He had grown up with many good people in his life. He left the religious life. He was elated when later realized that the day he left, Pope John 23 declared that the Discalced Carmelites were one of the religious orders which were to maintain the Latin Rites. He liked English and never did fully grasp Latin.
Writing this Blog is a life experience. The instances recapped above were life experiences.
What I will learn from writing this blog is yet to be discerned. What I will carry from this experience into the future is unknown. I do know I am NOW writing it.
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