Thursday 10 January 2013

NOW and Old Souls

NOW is.

It is amazing that at the very core of each one of us, is the NOW which we coat in various ways to disguise it so that no one else can behold it.  

A newborn baby is in the NOW and begins to expand its grasp and understanding of beyond the NOW as its mind begins to operate and attempt to particularize each and every piece of creation of which the mind becomes aware.  Each experience is a learning experience and, initially, each experience places another coat or lining upon the NOW.  NOW I am, becomes, NOW I am and I have a finger.  NOW I am and I can cry so NOW I am and I have a finger and I can cry.  Over time, it is the NOW which becomes totally embossed in these other realities.

Out of the mouths of babes comes things like "She is fat".  The babe sees the fat lady.  The babe makes a statement without the connotations that mankind has attribute to a person being fat.  No judgement, just a statement.  The baby is more in the NOW than the adults.

What reaction the mother or the woman spoken about have depends totally on the association they have about a fat lady.  The Mother:  "OMG my child just insulted my best friend" and promptly tells the child not to say things like that to people.  To the child, this then becomes another layer to cover the NOW I am.  The woman thinks: "Perceptive child reminding me that I need to lose some weight".  

Learning is going from the known to the unknown.  When a baby is born it simply is and that is what it realizes.  As it grows, experiences, and learns, it realizes more and the simply is takes on a complexity.

One means to get to see and be aware of that kernel of the NOW inside a person, is to make a connection with that person's soul.  Often that is readily achieved through visual eye to eye contact.  This is not always the case.  At times the focus must be made just above the person's head to get to greet the person's soul.

The energy that is exchanged when one soul connects with another is incredible.  Perhaps this is the creator within one person in contact with the creator in the other person.  

Whatever it is, it is dynamic, energetic, revitalizing, and a link to the NOW. 

NOW, from babes to old souls.

Old souls carry a knowledge of the creator as they fulfill their mission in the world.  They can readily connect with both other old souls and young souls imparting an understanding of love and caring which is very pervasive.  

Old souls are on a mission and nothing will divert them from achieving that mission because they were sent on the mission to succeed.  They neither dwell upon the past nor the future, but enjoy the moment or the NOW on their way to fulfilling their mission.

When an old soul meets another old soul, the recognition is immediate and the NOW makes their relationship.  When an old soul meets a young soul the young soul is taken under wing and the old soul goads the growth of the young soul.  In the end the ultimate goal of all souls is to be in the presence of the creator's NOW.

Even as I am writing this, my being yearns to hold on to the NOW, to allow myself to fly to another plane of existence.  When first I experienced an out of body experience, I resisted and tried to hold myself back.  Overtime when an out of body experience began to occur, I would revel in it, but still resisted to enter its realm of freedom.  Eventually I grew in ease and found that I could be present with others, in love and energy even though they were miles away.

If I appear to you to be rambling, I am, but intentionally.  My aim is to share my experiences from which I learned with you so that you too may be able to experience and learn from them.

It may not be clear and precise now, but eventually it will be. 

Experience the NOW and enjoy the NOW and all it affords in the endless possibilities it offers and the vision of the perfection which is you.  Don't be afraid of it, embrace it, and share the NOW with others simply by being you.

That's all for NOW folks!

Wednesday 9 January 2013

A Thanksgiving Day Baby!

Now, where was I?

Right, I was about to begin to describe my venture into the world on my trek to the NOW.

I was a Thanksgiving Day baby, in Canada, born on Monday, Oct 9, 1944. at Saint Michael's Hospital in Lethbridge, Alberta.  I don't think my mother had a Thanksgiving dinner that day, but she did not mind missing it.  She was hoping or a girl, but was pleased to have a other healthy son.

The key word in the sentence was healthy, because that state did not last for long.  Soon I was sort of going into breathing fits where I would stop breathing, turn blue, and on occasion, even reaching purple.  Repeated holding me upside down and shaking me and, probably, swatting me, seemed to resolve this problem temporarily.

On one occasion, I stopped breathing and spent considerable time with a skin tone of purple--I had no understanding that purple was the colour of healing at the time, but I was purple.  Nothing seemed to work quickly that time, but somehow my parents managed to keep me alive on a snowy winter's night and made a hasty trip to Edmonton.  The doctor's diagnoses was that I had an enlarged Thymus and they gave my throat area radiation treatments (about 300 r--a lot by todays standards.)  But the breathing seizures stopped and my parents were told to never allow me to be anaesthetized since that could bring on a sudden recurrence of the problem. 

I guess my seeming plan to return to the comfort of the other world ran "gang aft agley,"  This ancient being did not get his way again and had to remain on this plane of existence.  The day will come when the cliff edge of the other side of the valley will be within my grasp and I will once again own my place and simply be in the NOW.

Yeah, no tonsillectomy for me!  Only year after year with bouts of tonsillitis which usually kept me out of school for at least a week two or three times a year.  At some point the medical profession managed to add to each of this bouts at least one antibiotic shot in the gluteus maximus. 

I did not worry, I was basically a happy child, and I really did not mind missing any amount of schooling.  It was only in my late twenties or early thirties that I learned that the majority of people who underwent that radiation treatment for enlarged thymus had succumbed to some form of cancer.  I opted not to participate in a study of the survivors--too scary for me. 

Subsequently studies have shown a correlation of the mother's who often held the babies while the baby was irradiate coming down with cancers, thought to be caused by the radiation.  This is possibly why my mother underwent and survived two bouts of intestinal cancer, though there is no direct evidence, but it is a possible explanation.

I lived for years dreading should I ever have to have an operation--the large thymus might return and get me. 

In my mid twenties I had fallen on my coccyx bone and wacked it out of joint--a tad painful it was--this was termed a coccyx dislocation.  The remedy was for the Doctor to inject a fluid to put pressure on the bone to pop it back into shape.  That worked fine and my tail bone ached no more.  That is until the injection point allowed a bacteria to enter and subsequently the cyst.  Having to undergo anaesthetic treatment was scary, but my Doctor convinced me that medicine since the 1940 had disproved the enlarged thymus theory and I had nothing to worry about.

Preparation for the operation, on my part, involved taking mega doses of Vitamins A and E, the week before the operation.  All went well in the operating room.  I was the last operation scheduled that day because it involved dealing with an infection and they wanted to lessen odds of that spreading to another patient.  The cyst had been full blown and they had to remove a quarter inch of flesh on either side of the cleft.  Apparently it was quite a sizeable incision, but I felt no pain.

I think I left the operating room around 8:30pm.  The next late morning, the Doctor came in to dress the wound.  I was  somewhat astounded to hear the Doctor exclaim, "It is already healing!"   Apparently the vitamins A and E did their job.

Time for the removal of the intravenous needle.  "I will stand, said I".  Then as the needle was removed and grew longer and longer and longer and seemingly even longer, I wished I was seated. Thankfully I did not succumb to the desire to faint.

I had the joy of sitting on a donut cushion for sometime as the incision healed.  About every other day, I would visit the Doctor to have more of the stuffing to keep the side of the cleft from healing together remove, about a yard at a time.   Two weeks later, all had gone well and the rest of the stuffing was removed--it seemed like an eternity until the Doctor finally got the yards and yards and yards of dressing out!  But the results were positive and my visits to the Doctor were over.

Why am I sharing this with you at this time in this blog?

Every experience is a learning situation and lessons learned become part of us in the NOW and hopefully carry forward and are embellished in the next NOW, and the next NOW, ensconcing us into what we will be when all there is is the NOW.

As I share more of my life experiences on the road to spiritual awareness I will be sharing other experiences.  Some of them may be of no consequence at the time, but later on, as the blog develops, an understanding will crystallize and clarification will appear.

In the meantime, enjoy the experience of me sharing my experiences.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

People have often asked me to write about my life experiences.

Trying to figure out how, when, where, and why I should do this has taken me about 52 years to figure out.

This Blog is the beginning  of the end results.

All life's experiences are learning experiences.  A parent asks a child returning from school, "What did you learn today?".   We can ask ourselves that same question after each experience we encounter in life.  At times, the answer may be simple; at other times quite evasive affording no clarity at that time.

As time goes on, the simple answer may become part of a complex answer and the evasive answer may be clarified while bringing clarity to yet another answer.

By allowing ourselves to experience life, we allow that experience to become part of who we are at that moment in time and embellish who we are becoming in the future.

 The "NOW" is where we exist.  To be able to own our full potential in the NOW would  make the NOW the only thing for us to experience.

The NOW  encompasses everything and becomes an experience of the never ending aspect of the creator.

We can observe the NOW in creation.

A deep sleeping dog can  be up and at attention at the sound of a potato chip bag opening anticipating a chip!  The dog is right there at that moment in the NOW.

The sunflower turns it head to the bidding of the sun as it travels across the sky.  This happens in the NOW without any attention to the was or the will be.

Focusing on NOW occurrences in creation, enables us to see that the NOW moments are truly experiences and encounters of the reflection of the creator in creation.

I am what I am,  I am my creator's creation!

It is in the NOW that I accept and realize that indeed I am my creator's creation.

The NOW is all there is, everything else either was or will be and neither the past nor the future exist NOW.

I am asserting the NOW at the beginning of this Blog because ultimately the NOW is where my creator is guiding me to reside.

"If we encourage one person out of hundreds to change their life, we have done our job," said the manager of a Soup Kitchen for the homeless when asked, "Why do you put all this effort to get, prepare, and serve food to these indigents when they just don't appreciate it?"

"Why are you out here on the Las Vegas Strip raising money for the Foundation Faith of God?  You are gonna die and go to Hell!", Brother Neriah was asked one evening.  Brother Neriah answered with a question, "Why are you here my friend?"  The reply was, "I am looking for a hooker".  Brother Neriah asked, "Isn't that contrary to your Christian way of living?"  "I have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Saviour and all my sins of the past, present, and future have been washed away!", replied the young man.

Brother Luke Saint Mark was filled with blame over something and begrudgingly went to return the rented car to the dealership.  In a rage, he hopped into the car and quickly backed up running over what her thought were some palm branches in the driveway.  The car was dropped off and he went about his day.  When he returned home he discovered it was not a palm branches he had driven over.  He had wiped out the passenger side of the rented car while damaging the driver's side of  another vehicle.  He ended the day determined to never let blame engulf him again--fortunately there was no major difficulties for future car rentals.

A young boy awoke from a nap to discover that his brand new birthday socks were gone.  He asked his parents about the socks.  Apparently his cousin had slipped in the creek and did not have any dry socks to wear so his parents let the cousin wear the socks.  In a furry of a Bull Moose in a China Shop, the young boy screamed, hollered, and pouted for the remainder of the day.  As he thought of this incident a few years later, he regretted his actions toward his cousins needs when he discovered that his cousin had kidney failure and died.

Brother Mark of the Trinity, a Discalced Carmelite Novice, revelled in the contemplative lifestyle but he could not come to terms with the concept that inside the monastery is where the good are and outside is where the bad are.   He had grown up with many good people in his life.  He left the religious life. He  was elated when later realized that the day he left, Pope John 23 declared that the Discalced Carmelites were one of the religious orders which were to maintain the Latin Rites.  He liked English and never did fully grasp Latin.

Writing this Blog is a life experience.  The instances recapped above were life experiences.

What I will learn from writing this blog is yet to be discerned.  What I will carry from this experience into the future is unknown.  I do know I am NOW writing it.